Hi everyone,
I have a new sitcom coming out this Friday which I wrote and am also in (I'm on the far right nestled behind Jim Howick in the photo, look). It's called Here We Go and it's on BBC1 at 8.30pm (as in the 29th - also my Dad's birthday (not relevant to this post but truth nonetheless)).
All the episodes will be available on iPlayer from 9pm on Friday here (eps 2 and 5 are my favourites fyi).
It's essentially a full series of the pilot I made back in 2020 (which was called Pandemonium*) about a family called the Jessops who, to be fair to them, do their absolute level best to have a good time together.
It's sort of like the National Lampoons Vacation movies crossed with The Office if you can imagine that. It's got brilliant, funny people like Alison Steadman and Katherine Parkinson in it and I pop up here and there playing a loveable dickhead called Robin.
Please watch if you can/would like to, either AT THE TIME (8.30pm on Friday) or AT YOUR LEISURE on iPlayer.
Good luck!
*the pilot was all about the pandemic (hence the name), but the series isn't at all (hence the name change).